Selasa, 11 September 2012

Tugas pertama di kampus namun bukan dosen yang menyuruh

ini adalah tugas pertama gue di ISI YOGYAKARTA cuma tugas ini bukan di suruh oleh dosen melainkan salah satu senior saya di ISI YOGYAKARTA di fakultas saya namanya Mas Jalu dia salah satu mahasiswa jenius di sini dengan segudang prestasinya. tigas ini untuk mengetes para mahasiswa baru FSMR khusnya TV, dia memberikan tugas untuk membuat deskripsi cerita perjalanan menuju kost ke ke kampus apa aja yang kita temui dan kita lihat atau fenomena unik yang kita tangkap selama perjalanan menuju kampus di kupas di tulisan deskripsi yang kita buat itu, kata mas Jalu ini untuk memperkarya cara pandang dan penulisan kita di dalam sebuah cerita film bagaimana cara mengemasnya sehingga menarik dan unik serta memperkarya imajinasi dan intuisi kita di bidang film.

dan ini dia tulisan desripsi tulisan saya, hehe .... :

Seperti biasa saat pagi hari gue selalu di bangunkan oleh jam alarem yang berbunyi amat kencang dan membubarkan keheningan yang berada di dalam kamar kost gue, sehingga gue terbangun dengan muka yang masi seperti muka bantal,dan seperti biasa pula gue duduk dan senderan dulu untuk mengumpulkan nyawa gue yang masih separo ini.
Setelah nyawa gue terkumpul dan ada tenaga untuk bangun gue langsung segera mandi, memakai pakaian, membereskan buku dan tidak lupa memakai parfum agar wangai karna itu udah ritual sebelum beraktifitas jika semuanya sudah lengkap segera lah gue berangkat ke kampus dengan di awali menghirup segarnya suasana desa yang adem dan mantap baru kaki ini melangkah kedepan menuju kampus dengan pasti.
Seperjalananya ke kampus seperti biasa gue berhenti di warung makan arah ke kampus gue untuk mengisi perut ini dengan makanan agar mempunyai tenaga saat mendengarkan dosen mengajar di depan kelas, dan sudah pasti menu yang selalu gue pesen di warung nasi itu adalah “Nasi Telor” karna selain enak dan mengeyangkan sudah pasti pas untuk ukuran kantong anak kost apa lagi di damping dengan minum es the manis makan mantap rasanya menu makan yang sederhana ini.
Setelah selesai makan gue kambali malanjutkan perjalanan menuju kampus dengan langkah yang santai tapi pasti dan ada satu hal yang selalu bikin mata gue tertuju ke sudut jalan yang gue lalui setiap harinya karna hal yang lihat ini  menurut gue unik dan keren serta belum pernah gue lihat di mana pun yaitu sumur miring di pinggir jalan deket UPT Perpustakaan ISI Yogyakarta, karna menurut gue sumur itu mempunyai hal yang beda dari sumur-sumur yang lain dan gue jugapernah berfikir apakah sumur itu keremat dan melegenda di benak masyarakat sekitar tapi itu lah keunikan bisa di lihat dari sisi mana pun dan kapanpun saat gue berangkat menuju kampus.
Sesampainya di depan kampus FSMR yang gue rasakan itu adalah ketenangan karna suasana yang ramah dan mendukung untuk berkarya di dalamnya, dan suasana ini lah yang pas untuk para seniman muda yang ingin menitihkan karya dan karirnya di masa depan nanti.

Sabtu, 08 September 2012

tips dari Joko Anwar cara membuat daftar sifat karakter untuk di Skenario Film

Joko Anwar (via-twitter) "kalo yang suka nulis cerita, termasuk skenario film, bisa pake ini buat bikin daftar sifat karakter. Kalo perlu loh, ya"

menurut gue cara ini sangat lah membantu seorang penulis Skenario Film, berikut uraiannya.

Date this chart was completed: 

Character's Full Name:
          Reason or meaning of name:

         Reason for nickname:

Astrological Sign:


    • Age
            How old does s/he appear?
    • Eye Color:
            Glasses or contacts?
    • Hair color:
             Distinguishable hair feature (bald, receding hairline, etc.):
             Type of hair (coarse, fine, thick, etc?)
    • Typical hairstyle:
    • Height:
    • Weight:
             Type of body/build:
    • Nationality:
    • Skin tone:
    • Skin type:
    • Shape of face:
    • Distinguishing Marks?
    • Most predominant feature:
             Resembles (famous or not):
    • Accent?
    • Is s/he healthy?                                               
             If not, why not:
    • Physical disabilities:
    • Physical abilities (what is character good at? sports, etc.):


    • Color:
    • Music:
    • Food:
    • Literature:
    • Expressions:
    • Book:
    • Quote:
    • Expletive(s) (swears):
    • Mode of transportation:


    • Smokes:
             How often?
    • Drinks:
             How often?
    • Worst bad habit?
    • Quirks:


    • Hometown:
    • Type of childhood:
    • First memory:
    • Most important childhood event that still affects him/her:
    • Lower education:
    • Higher education:
    • Booksmart or streetsmart?
    • Religion and/or religious views and/or tendencies?


    • Job?
    • Kiss?
    • Sexual experience?


    • Mother (name):
              Relationship with her:
    • Father (name):
             Relationship with him:
    • Siblings:
             Birth order:
             Relationship with each:
    • Children of Siblings:
    • Extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.):
    • Close to family?  Yes/No


    • Does character have child(ren)?
             How many?
    • Are all children with the same partner?
             If no, why not? If no, what is the custody arrangement? 
    • How does character relate to his/her child(ren)?
    • Which child is character's favorite?
    • Character's most favorite memory of his/her child(ren)? 
    • Character's least favorite memory of his/her child(ren)?
    • Is relationship with children good?
    • Is relatioinship with children important to character?


    • Where does character work?
              How many years? 
    • Relationship with co-workers?
    • Like his/her job?
             Why or why not?
    • Dream job:


    • Greatest fear:
    • Worst thing that could happen to him/her?
    • What single event would most throw character's life in complete turmoil?
    • Character is most at ease when:
    • Most ill at ease when:
    • Priorities:
    • Philosophy:
    • How s/he feels about self:
    • Past failure s/he would be embarrassed to have people know about:
    • If granted one wish, what would it be?
    • Daredevil or cautious?
             Same when alone?

    • Biggest regret?
    • Biggest accomplishment:
    • Minor accomplishments:
    • Character's darkest secret:
             Does anyone else know?
                    If yes, did character tell them?
                    If no, how did they find out?


    • Greatest source of strength in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such or not):
    • Greatest source of weakness in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such or not):
    • Character's soft spot:
             Is this soft spot obvious to others?
             If not, how does character hide it?
    • Biggest vulnerability:
    • Which of the 7 deadly sins does character fight (or give into, willingly or not)?
             (lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride)
    • Which of the 7 virtues does your character have (or fight against)?
             (chastity, abstinence, leberality, diligence, patience, kindness, humility)


    • Optimist or pessimist?
    • Introvert or extrovert?
    • Drives and motivations?
    • Talents (hidden or not)?
    • Extremely skilled at:
    • Extremely unskilled at:
    • Good characteristics:
    • Character flaws:
    • Mannerisms:
    • Peculiarities:


      • One word character would use to describe self:
      • One paragraph description of how character would describe self:
      • What does character consider best physical characteristic?
      • What does character consider worst physical characteristic?
               Are these realistic assessments?
                      If not, why not?
      • How CHARACTER thinks others perceive him/her?
      • What four things would CHARACTER most like to change about self? (#1 most important, #2 second most important, etc.)

      • If change #1 was made, would character be as happy as s/he thinks?
               If not, why not?


    • Is character divorced? Why?
             If yes, how many times?
    • Has character ever cheated on any signficant other?
    • How does character relate to others?
    • How is s/he perceived by...
      • Strangers?
      • Friends?
      • Wife/Husband/Lover?
      • Children
      • Co-workers?
      • Protagonist?
      • Antagonist?
    • First impression character makes is:
             What happens to change this perception?
    • What do family/friends like most about character?
    • What do family/friends like least about character?


    • Immediate goal(s):
    • Long range goal(s):
    • How does character plan to accomplish goal(s)?
    • How will other people around character be affected?


    • How character react in a crisis (calm/panic/etc.)?
    • How does character face problems?
             Kinds of problems character usually runs into:
    • How does character react to NEW problems?
    • How does character react to change?


    • Jewelry?
    • Other accessories?
    • Drives a ... :
    • Where does character live?
             With anyone?  Yes/No
    • Where does character want to live?
    • Spending habits (frugal, spendthrift, etc)?
    • What does s/he do too much of?
    • Too little of?
    • Most prized possession: Why?
    • Play musical instrument?
             Which one(s)?
             How did s/he learn?
    • Does character like animals?
    • Any pets?
    • Likes music?
             What kind?


    • Owns a computer? Yes/No
             If not, why not?
    • Email address(es):
             If more than one, each used for...?
    • "Handle":
              Meaning to character:
    • Uses computer for business, pleasure, both?
    • Play computer games?
             If yes, which game(s)? If yes, how many hours per day?
             If so, are they/it multiplayere game/s?
    • Name used on each game & meaning to character?
    • List 4 online site(s) (URLs) visited daily?


    • Person character secretly admires:
    • Person character was most influenced by:
    • Most important person in character's life before story starts:

yang engga ngerti pake B. Inggris ya belajar lah hehe .... sekian semoga bermanfaat ya guys.